Headless Plone Volto

🚀 Unleash the Power of Plone for Your Web Solutions 🚀

With Plone, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools and features designed to streamline content creation and management.
One of the standout features of Plone is its remarkable security framework. Built on a rock-solid foundation, Plone ensures your content remains safe and protected, giving you peace of mind.

With its advanced permission system and robust authentication mechanisms, you have full control over who can access and modify your valuable digital assets.

Plone 6 now comes in 3 flavours

Plone 6 (Volto)

Rebuilt from the ground up as an api, clound native decoupled archtecture, Plone 6 is a very different system than previous versions.

  • Faster - Single page app design using React ensures responsive page transitions and interactivity
  • More intuitive - Component based editing with true WYSIWYG editing
  • Developer friendly - Headless CMS allows for microservices and react frontend development to speed up development.
  • Secure - same rock solid backend, now restapi enabled, retains it's rock solid security archtecture

PretaGov provides both development and hosting services for internets, extranets and public websites using Plone 6

Plone 6 Headless

Plone 6 is a hybrid CMS which means that it is api first which allows both headless CMS use or you can choose to build on Volto in React

Headless means you build the frontend in any technology you wish.

PretaGov provides Plone 6 Headless SaaS to be part of your MACH archtecture.

Plone Classic

If you have come across Plone in the past, this might be the version you are most familiar with. Bult with python, this monolithic CMS has stood the test of time. PretaGov no longer provides hosting for Plone classic for new sites.

Plone 6 Demo

if you want to experince the unique editing experience of Plone first hand there is a live demo available on our NSW Digital Design System Plone 6 product site Demo.

🌟 Why Choose PretaGov 🌟

🔥 Plone Pioneers: Our dedicated team of Plone experts brings unparalleled expertise to the table, crafting dynamic and scalable solutions that stand the test of time.

🏗️ Custom Craftsmanship: Every project is unique, and we tailor our Plone solutions to perfectly align with your business goals and requirements.

🚀 Innovation at Heart: With Plone as our canvas, we paint innovative web solutions that blend creativity with functionality.

🤝 Collaborative Approach: Partner with us to combine your vision with our proficiency, working together to create remarkable digital experiences.

🌟 Our Plone Proficiency 🌟

🔗 Dynamic Websites: Develop content-rich and interactive websites and intranets with Plone's user-friendly interface and powerful backend capabilities.

📊 Streamlined Content Management: Effortlessly organize and manage your digital content with Plone's intuitive and flexible content management system.

🌐 True Open Source: Plone is community build and owned, future proofing its use. All plugins are free as is the main codebase. Plone's global eco-system of vendors offers support, hosting and consulting services.

🔒 Secure : Plone's security track record is over 20 years with no major known security breaches. This is why it runs the CIA, FBI and many government websites.

🤝 Content Governance: Large organisations can control their content with fine grained permissions, versioning, design system guidance, automations, custom workflows, multlingual support and much more...

View our case studies.

More on Plone